
Pawn Takes Pawn

recording journal. A guy who uses a cassette 8 track to document some cool bands. Based out of Sacramento, CA. Thanks for visiting, leave a message. email: pxprecords@yahoo.com or sign up for the pxpyahoo group here

Friday, April 23, 2004

The Advantage, Electrogroup(Live)

Went to go see the Advantage and Elecro group last night at the good ol Capitol Garage, and i must say i had myself some fun.

for the live recording i used a combonation of my stereo condenser mic and the live sound board. heres the breakdown.


kick- shure beta52
snare - sm57(sorta angled up at the snare to get some hi hats too, not realy my idea, but it sounded fine)
vocal - shure beta 87a
these were all that was put through the sound board and ran through a compressor and into my 5/6 line level channel.
i used my stereo sony mic for channels 1/2 and cranked it up
then i had a mic on the guitar and bass(yellow and red AT mics)
and those went right to channels 3/4. my mixer is small and thats why i was routed this way, one of those small berhinger mixers.

all of this was run to my minidisc. man i love this thing, but its starting to fall apart. ive got the warranty on it still so im gonna take it in to get a new one soon.

the electro group recording came out ok, the signal coming off of the sound board(using the 1/4 main outs) was really weak, but i had my compressor to make some extra signal that helped.
the guitars came out great. and the room mic proabaly couldve used a new battery, but over all it wasnt too bad. they play realy realy loud and the vocals rarely come out over the music so it pretty much sounds like going to see them live.

for the advantage i used pretty much the same set up, but since they dont have vocals i was able to get a better drum sound. the bass was also DI'd into the main mix which saved me a mic for the two guitars that i close micd. both yellow at mics there. this recording came out a little bit better. man i love these bands.
posted by jeff  # 10:34 AM
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Munia Frenchmen, Pets, Jef&Morgan Band Secretions, Chad Stockdale Pets, Helper Monkeys, The Advantage(live), The Lousy Bums Army of Trees, Vol.4 Pets(Coldhouse)


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